Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Thanks Heusse Family

Again, thanks to the Heusse family for making this trip possible by opening their homes and sharing their lives with us.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Paris: Last Days

Right, the Eiffel Tower just looks better with us standing in front of it. Here we have a Metro (subway) stop and a few pictures from the Rodin park, the gothic interior of St. Antoin near Les Halles, and Marie cooling off in the fountain at the Louvre.

Check out the padlock and door handle at St. Sulpice. Hmm, will the lock work?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Paris: More Meandering

The past two days have been sunny, but not hot, so we walked from the Madeleine all the way to the the Bastille Metro stops in search of interesting architecture along the way and falafals in the Jewish Quarter on Wednesday.

Yesterday, we started in Montmartre with Sacre Coeur and more walking and gawking. To give our feet a rest, we caught a bus at the Louvre and rode it for 45 minutes around Invalides and the Eiffel Tower and surrounding neighborhoods, many of which we covered on foot Monday. We jumped off at the Louvre again and strolled through the Tuileries Garden, sitting for a bit and watching people before making our way back to the apartment. Another lovely day!