Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tour: Day 2

Stopped at Basilica Nate, the oldest mission church in the western hemisphere—established in 1522. Took pictures of altar, pulpit, and bell tower.

Juan Alberto, our guide, knows the history of every place in the country; and Laura Alexander, president of Expat

Explorers, have created a tour I couldn't have replicated on my own.

Our next stop was to see Dario, a world-renowned mask maker. He demonstrated his mask-making process.

We then traveled a few miles down the road and visited Santo Domingo de Guzman, a 17th century colonial church. We were invited into the home of woman who lives in the historic 18th century row houses that surround the church.

In the same town Angel Cabrillo, a celebrated ceramic artisan, demonstrated how he throws pots, makes plates, etc. We had lunch on a hill overlooking the Pacific Ocean and Chitre, Juan Alberto’s home town, visiting Chitre's Juan Batista Cathedral (see altar below) and ending our day at the Gran Hotel Azuero, a stunning new hotel with a fabulous pool.

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