Thursday, February 10, 2011

Panama Canal and Reprosa's Artisan Jewelry

My last day was spent with my new best friends, Laura's family (Tim and Maureen not included; returned home the day before). We cruised through the Panama Canal, passing through two locks. A Panamanian Pilot must board every vessel through the Canal. Note the pipes, and dredging barge below, used to maintain a depth of 45 feet.

Frigate bird and sloth indicate that the Canal passes through jungle. Panama is building another larger set of locks parallel to the original; they will accommodate the largest ships in the world. Took a few pics of the Bridge of the Americas, the large arching bridge that spans the Canal.

Afterward, we visited Reprosa, an artisan jewelry shop that uses the same method ancient indigenous people did to create gold and silver jewelry.

Note the huge crane, one of four of the largest in the world. Hitler had four built and one is used at the Panama Canal.

Took a pic of Oscar, Laura's driver. He's the man! Oscar helped me navigate my way around Panama City the week I was on my own after our Expat Explorer Tour.

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