Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Double Bluff and Greenback Farms—day trip #1, September 24, 2015

Reilly loves Double Bluff on Whidbey Island, because the beach is at least a mile long, is all off leash, and has tons of sticks. Reilly's routine is to find a stick, drop it about 20 feet ahead of us, move about ten feet beyond that, and lie down and stare back at us. Our job is to throw the stick as far as we can so he can bring it back so we can start again.

Today was a blustery day but warm day, so we threw the stick downwind and this pleased Reilly to no end, because it traveled farther than our normal tosses. He really got in some long downwind sprints.

The second half of our day was spent at Greenbank Farm, where for us, it's all about the pie at the cafe. It's worth a trip just for their pie(s). Reilly, however, thinks the best part of the farm is the huge off leash meadow. Tons of smells for any dog and great views at the crest of the meadow for people.

I told you it was blustery
A lovely fall day looking southwest
The drop has been made
We're getting close
Toss and catch made. Do it again!
A respite after 30 minutes of toss and catch
Two happy boys at Greenbank Farm
Looking east from crest

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