Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Grenoble Walk, day one

We took a walk
this morning. We found a post office behind a church across the street, and we headed there to mail something, but Marie was a little unsure about which place to put the letter to ensure my Visa payment would get to the US. A woman offered her help, speaking in English. Everywhere we go people are quite helpful; for example, the train at Lyon changed to a different voie and a young man asked us where we were headed and told us we had to change platforms. We love French people-so helpful and friendly.

Anyway, this morning we walked to the train station (about three blocks north) to get oriented, and then uptown to the tourist information office. We stopped at a hotel first and got a map of Grenoble from the clerk. Again, another helpful French person. We then walked around the old town and along the river before making our way back "home". We stopped at a grocery store behind the church and purchased some coffee, milk, cheese, bread, beer, wine, and some good salami. We are relaxing now taking our mid-day siesta and watching Sky News on a big TV.
The road workers woke us up this morning at 7AM. They are now grinding the road away after their lunch break. Now I know why Marie was happy to give up her apartment for the next three weeks. ;-)

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